To establish your business all over the world, you could easily create a website which portrays every products of your business. Offering website with a multilingual option presents the website to be connected globally to all users. Multilingual websites can attract audiences that range far beyond your neighborhood, state or country.
So delivering a proper content to your site enables the user to literally understand about your brand you are showcasing and so making the content accessible in the most common language you serve is also a chosen priority. People aren’t interested to move forward with buying a product without knowing nook and corner detail of the product. So it is a most needed part that you offer them to choose a language that they can understand with.
Wixgle provides a high platform in creating multilingual websites for their clients.
Transpose the language of your website
Translating is the most important process that has to be initiated at the pre-processing procedure to create a multilingual website. It is better that you should be familiar with the language you impose on your website or grab some translating services around you. May be a friend of you, who is a native speaker of that language can also help you.
Things to be translated
1. Textual content
Literally every text boxes on your homepage to all the buttons on the menu list should be translated. To be more precise, every detail of your website has to be translated when providing multilingual options for websites; you should consider the cultural references and show concern about the switch over from your primary language to secondary language.
Call to action buttons could attract more audience to your business and so you should show extensive involvement in providing similar phases for call to action that are to be culture appropriate too. While switching over the secondary language, call to action should give the same feel good content as like the primary language.
2. Image
Translation involves not only textual contents but also images. You have to translate the entities that are linked with images to the regional languages that you translate. One example you would take into consideration is date format. 10/05 - 10th may or 05/10 - 5th October would confuse you to the core. So it’s better to make a proper study about the conventional date and time format of your secondary language or you could simply handle it by describing it fully rather than numerical notations.
Search engine optimization process
Once you are done with the phase of translation process, it is more important to execute a high end process in organizing search engine optimization settings. Based on the secondary language, it is very important to highlight the keywords in the process of search engine optimization implementation.
Customers who prefer native language to search the site for a business can easily land in your website if your search engine optimization is powerful in secondary language too. Wixgle provides a strong platform in giving a massive search engine optimization process to the website of their clients.
Adding language menu
Once you accomplish all the prime functions, it’s time to add a language menu at the appropriate place in your web. You have to let them know of all the languages that are available to access the website. The menu can be customized with the country’s flag as icon so that the languages can be arranged in a precised and well-ordered manner which could attract the user. If there are more than 2 to 3 languages, you can provide a drop down menu of lettered abbreviations to avoid chaos.
Translating your entire website into a new language is not an easy task yet you have opened the doors of success in creating your website and all you could do is move forward progressing. Wixgle offers you a strong platform in creating your own multilingual websites for your business featuring all possible technologies enhancing tour brands to higher level.